Author: Denny
No More Perfect Moms (Ch 10)
One Perfect God I know this chapter is not for everyone. It does not have to be. Many times, lately, I have a hard time with this specific subject. But that’s another story. The author reminds us of God’s unconditional love. He loves us the way we are. Many times we are afraid of others’…
No More Perfect Moms (Ch 9)
No More Perfect Homemaking How fitting that the day I was going through this chapter I burnt the grilled cheese sandwiches I was making for lunch? Only one side though. The kids didn’t even notice. This chapter starts by bringing us back to the expectation of always having a perfect meal made prepared for our…
No More Perfect Moms (Ch 8)
No More Perfect Homes “Make peace with real life” and “kids make clutter” are two of the biggest truths on this chapter. It was like opening my eyes to seeing something that has been in front of me this whole time and I am just trying to deny. How does your house looks like? Mine…
No More Perfect Moms (Ch 7)
No More Perfect Days Sometimes, only sometimes, we plan things and everything goes accordingly. But a lot of other times, things don’t go according to plan and that is ok. One of the main takeaways with kids is to expect the unexpected. The author reminds us that people need time. Meaning, our relationships with people…
No More Perfect Moms (Ch 6)
No More Perfect Friends We meet friends in multiple different ways, scenarios, times. Not all of them stay and some of them last a lifetime. Friendships change. One of the main things the author helps us identify is, are we someone that people tend to find? “Here I am” type of people? or are we…
No More Perfect Moms (Ch 4)
No More Perfect Bodies I am definitely the wrong person to be typing this one. As a man, I don’t experience the changes a woman goes through but I have definitely seen how the mind can be affected by them. To my eyes, my wife is as beautiful as the first time I saw her,…
No More Perfect Moms (Ch 3)
No More Perfect Kids Chapter 3 begins with a huge reality check, kids are not perfect, just like we are not perfect parents. kids’ issues are perfectly normal. One example I related here with was the potty training. Potty training can be messy and hard. It is always different for each kid. The best we…
No More Perfect Moms (Ch 2)
The Antidote If chapter one was about how we can fall into traps regarding comparing ourselves and trying to live a perfect and rosy life, chapter two slides a bit of a solution. But it also points out other triggers to an unhappy parenthood. Comparison and Pride. Comparison kills joy and does not allow for…
No More Perfect Moms (Ch 1)
We begin the book club with “No More Perfect Moms” by Jill Savage. You can join us by getting the book with the following link. Full disclosure, we get a little kick back from every purchase that uses this link -> HERE. This book was chosen because “No More Perfect Marriages” was on my list…