Part 3, Chapter 7: How to get cooperation
Principle: Let the other person feel that the idea is theirs
No one wants to feel like they’re being sold something or told to do something.
How often do we see the same advertisement, 3 or maybe 4 times in a row on whatever streaming platform we’re watching. It’s annoying. I’ve found that even if I like the product or brand, it leaves me with a sour association of the brand.
Don’t we have more faith in an idea we find on our own, versus someone telling us what we should think?
Personal example: My kids. If I tell them to do something, even nicely, they’ll be more hesitant about it versus if they do it because they wanted to it/they thought of it on their own.
Have you ever seen on shows or movies where people say, “Okay but I’m doing this because I want to, not because you told me.”
Basically sums up this chapter.
People want to talk about themselves and make decisions themselves.
Ask them what they think and listen genuinely.
Have you ever found yourself on either side of this situation?
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