Part 3, Chapter 6: The safety valve on handling complaints
Principle: Let the other person do a great deal of the talking
Most people try to win others to their way of thinking and end up doing way too much talking. People like talking about themselves – so let them.
When someone is talking, listen patiently and with an open mind.
People can’t be “Sold” so you have to let them buy it themselves. (Think of the saying of making people think it was their idea).
Previously noted in other chapters, as we’re listening to someone talk, we’re already thinking of how we will respond. We’re not actively listening and often will miss the point of what they’re even saying.
A French Philosopher once said, “If you want enemies, excel your friends; but if you want friends, let your friends excel you.” Basically make our friends feel important versus trumpeting our own success.
Be modest.
Life is too short to bore people with the talk of our petty accomplishments.
I would add that there is a difference between celebrating your successes and being prideful. Celebrating your success to me is being surrounded by your friends/family members who lift you up. Not boasting about it and taking others down in the process.
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