Part 3, Chapter 5: Get the other person saying, “yes, yes” immediately.
Principle: Get the other person saying, “yes, yes” immediately.
When you start a conversation with someone, focus on the things you agree on and have in common.
If you keep them saying “yes” to begin with, it avoids them from saying “no” so easily later on.
It’s like getting them on your side.
If someone doesn’t like you or your attitude from the start, they won’t hesitate to say no to anything, even if they might actually agree with you. People’s egos are larger than their common sense.
A “no” response is difficult to overcome.
Once you say no, your pride and your personality has to stay consistent.
Think of being a parent and “keeping your foot down” with your decision. Even if you want to change your mind, you said no so firmly already, you don’t want to go back on your word.
See things from the other person’s perspective and try to get them to say yes.
Have you ever found yourself saying “no” for stubborn reasons?
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