How to Win Friends and Influence People (3.4)

Part 3, Chapter 4: A drop of honey

Principle: Begin in a friendly way.

“A drop of honey catches more flies than a gallon of gall.”

I had to google what “gallon of gall” is: “A gallon of gall” is an idiom that refers to someone who is rude, disrespectful, or irritating,

So it’s easier to attract people if you’re friendly, not rude.

If you meet someone with temper or anger, that person is going to meet you with the same energy.
But if you come at someone calm, asking for a conversation, they’ll more than likely to be open to that.

If you’re trying to win someone over, first come as a friend.

Scolding parents, intimidating bosses, and argumentative spouses should realize they can’t change people’s minds.

Professional example: Would you prefer your boss yell at you to do something, or ask you nicely?

Personal example: my kids will most likely do something I ask of them if it’s in a nice way, and not a rude way. (I said most likely, not always)

So why don’t we treat every situation that way?
