How to Win Friends and Influence People (2.6)  

Part 2, Chapter 6: How to make people like you instantly

Principle 6: Make the other person feel important – and do it sincerely.

This chapter starts with how the author is at a post office. He’s waiting in line and can see how the clerk looks bored/is doing things out of habit and motion. When it comes to his turn, he compliments the clerk on his hair and he can see the difference in his face and how it might have made his day. Without expecting anything in return and just sharing happiness.

Think about when you go to the DMV, post-office, retail, or anywhere really that people might seem over it, and how being genuinely nice can make a difference in their day. They might not reciprocate it right away, or be wondering why you’re being nice, but it will most likely stay with them the rest of the day.

The author talks about the human law that has been spread throughout centuries, “Do unto others as you would have others do unto you.” I basically tell me kids this daily, so why would it be different with other people? If you want people to be nice to you, be nice to people.

How, when and where can we obey this rule? Always and everywhere.

We can begin applying this appreciation right at home. It’s the place where it’s most needed. How often do we feel like we’re unappreciated at home? We might not be, but a nice reminder from our spouse or kids could make all the difference.

The author gives a few examples of how people might have been meeting with someone important, or trying to sell them something, and before going in with a pitch, they talked to them like a normal person, showing interest in maybe a painting in their room, or a photo on their desk. This simple question about their lives made a difference in how that meeting went. It either ended in friendship, a sale, or even a gift.

No matter how “important” or successful a person is, no one is immune to the pleasure or someone taking interest in you as a person.”

You never know what someones is dealing with internally or at home, so sharing a smile, kindness, or genuine interest in a person can change their outlook.