No More Perfect Moms (Ch 9)

No More Perfect Homemaking

How fitting that the day I was going through this chapter I burnt the grilled cheese sandwiches I was making for lunch? Only one side though. The kids didn’t even notice. This chapter starts by bringing us back to the expectation of always having a perfect meal made prepared for our family every time. Man, a few weeks ago we were giving ourselves a hard time for feeding the kids PB&J for dinner. Give yourself a pass. This stuff is challenging sometimes. God forbid you have picky eaters. The author brings up cooking shows as an issue? I don’t know? I see my wife and I don’t think we run into that issue. Our meals are not perfect but we never intended for them to be either.

A few tips found in this chapter, Meal prep. Cooking in bulk one day a week might be an approach that works for you. Using a crock pot. These are great tools for bulk cooking. Make salads. They don’t need to be boring, add fruit, nuts and you can vary these every time. Maybe prepare the vegetables in bulk. I hate cooking vegetables. Don’t tell anyone.

Another extension of homemaking, like in the previous chapter is how tidy or well decorated is your home? Again, do not compare your house with someone else’s. There is no need. Two different people, two different homes. Is this comparison holding you back from hosting people? Don’t hold back. Fears can control us and even not allow us to do things we might enjoy.

Our thought of imperfection can hold us back from offering hospitality to others. One question I ask myself is, is this need to hide our imperfections selfishness? Invite someone home today. Hospitality is an extension of our heart. Perfection is an elusive goal. Take one risk at a time. That’s how we make progress.


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