No More Perfect Moms (Ch 6)

No More Perfect Friends

We meet friends in multiple different ways, scenarios, times. Not all of them stay and some of them last a lifetime. Friendships change. One of the main things the author helps us identify is, are we someone that people tend to find? “Here I am” type of people? or are we the ones that find people. “There you are” type of person. Mom groups can be a good way to find people that mom’s can identify with. As a personal experience, I have to say that have never been attracted to formal “dad’s group”. I gravitate to people I find that have the same interest as me, that also happen to have kids. On the other hand, and from what I have witnessed, motherhood can turn into a very lonely endeavor if we (men and women) are not careful while navigating it.

Friendship is a two way street. The message I take from this chapter is “treat others the way you want to be treated”. Meaning, as a parent, try to be useful. Get in touch with your parent manners. Not only manners inside home but also outside. The author gives us a list of items that might help you in your relationship with other parents. Clean up before you leave. Attend fussy kids. After a playdate, have the visiting kids items ready by the door. Pack your lunch for playdates. Don’t judge the other parents approach to parenting. Ask before sending siblings to activities they are not invited. Parenting is hard. Many times we can forget these things, and that is expected. Don’t be too hard on yourself or others for it.

How’s your friendship bank? This translates to how’s your relationship with your friends? A lot of times only takes one side to rekindle a friendship. If you feel like you are growing apart, ask. the author encourage us to talk and communicate with each other. Expect imperfection from everyone, even yourself. Thank and express to your friends today.


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